Robotics and Coding Part 2
Our children continue to enjoy learning about coding. Since I mentioned this book in Robotics and Coding Part 1, I wanted to come up with an activity that you and your little ones can enjoy doing together while you read it.

We have 3 children ranging from 1st grade to toddler. I encourage you as a homeschooler to do as many activities together that includes everyone because they all learn from one another. Not only do they learn from one another, it's easier for you to spend time with all of them at once rather than running from spot to spot. One of the most common questions as a homeschooling mom is how do I juggle different ages. I do as many activities together as we can.
This is such a great book that all of our children enjoyed reading together. How to Code a Sandcastle can be found by clicking on the picture or the link on the title listed above.
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We started off by reading this book (again) at the breakfast table after doing our morning routine. Growing up in Florida, I had plenty of access to sand. This is definitely not the case for our children. The weather has been so wonderful (in our opinion) and there was snow on the ground! Since we didn't have the access to sand that I once had, we decided to use the beautiful white snow for this activity. We changed the title for our activity to How to Code a snowcastle. I gave them rocks, shells, and blue flat glass marbles for decorations. They each had a robot to instruct.

We then created a code just like the book, but we used the snow and materials we had within this code.

Then the digging began! I knew our children loved playing in the snow, but I had no idea how long this activity would last! They played with this activity from breakfast, well into the afternoon.

Check out how incredibly cute our "snow" castle came out! They followed the code the whole way through.
I would recommend this book to anyone trying to teach their children the basics of coding. It covers what a code is, explains looping, and teaches the if, then, else rule to problem solving.
I hope this helps you present the basics of coding to your little one in a fun way.
Don’t forget to check out the other coding resources we’ve found for you and your children.
Happy homeschooling and remember to "willfully serve His children" throughout your homeschool day.