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26 Hymns to Teach in Your Homeschool

Updated: Sep 17, 2021

Teaching hymns are a huge part of our home and homeschool. There is so much your children can learn from studying hymns, as most of them are based on Scripture. Many churches have done away with traditional hymns and instead sing contemporary worship music. Homeschool offers a wonderful opportunity to keep these beautiful songs available for children today.

Homeschool Hymn Study

Hymns are such a beautiful way of introducing your children to music and praising the Lord together.

Hymns to Teach Children

The following are great hymns to teach to your children in your homeschool:

o Amazing Grace

o Blessed Assurance

o Crown Him with Many Crowns

o Down in My Heart

o Everlasting Love

o A Mighty Fortress

o I Come to the Garden Alone

o My Hope is Built on Nothing Less

o Ivory Palaces

o Joy to the World

o All Creatures of Our God and King

o Love Lifted Me

o We’re Marching to Zion

o I Need Thee Every Hour

o Trust and Obey

o Jesus Paid It All

o Quiet, Lord, My Froward Heart

o The Old Rugged Cross

o It Is Well with My Soul

o ‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus

o Under His Wings

o I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say

o O For a Closer Walk with God

o Doxology

o Are You Washed in the Blood?

o O, Zion Haste

Hymn Studies for Homeschool

All of these songs are included in our Hymn-A-Long curriculum. It is meant to be a resource to help you lay a Biblical foundation in your home. It helps you to preach the Gospel to your little ones each and every day. Not just in your morning routine, but your entire homeschool day.



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