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6 Tips to Work From Home With Kids

Updated: Sep 17, 2021

Whether you work remote, own your own business, or have found yourself home temporarily due to the pandemic, we can all use some helpful tips when it comes to working from home with children.

Ever since we had our first child, we made the decision that I would stay home to care for our children. It wasn’t until our children were toddlers that I decided to open my own business for homeschooling. I’ve been juggling homemaking, homeschooling, and business ownership for years now.

Here are some helpful tips I’d like to share with you to help you in your journey of working at home.

1. Have your meals and snacks prepared each day.

Making sure your children have food to each is so helpful. Any mom out there would probably tell you that snacks go a long way.

See 10 Easy Snacks to Have Ready for Your Homeschool Day for some ideas to help you with this tip.

2. Sensory Activities

By having sensory bins and activities ready to go, your children are less likely to be bored and needing you. Many working moms has told me how wonderful it is to see their children sit for hours at sensory bins. It’s not only a wonderful activity for development, but it’s a great way of teaching your children while you work.

For some ideas on what type or busy bag or activity boxes you can easily create for sensory activities. Check out my Busy Bag or Activity Boxes tab on my website for some quick and easy ideas.

3. Have a designated space for your children where you work.

We have a table that our children sit at right next to me while I work. It not only allows me to keep a close eye on them, but it also makes them feel included in with what you are doing.

4. Play Time First

Our toddler and preschooler do much better when we play first before we sit down to work. It allows them to feel loved and that they are very important. By taking 20-30 minutes each morning, our children are ready to sit down and work on their activities.

5. Take a walk during lunch time.

Children thrive when they’re outdoors. They are free to run, skip, walk, and learn new gross motor skills. A quick like hike or walk around the block is all they need sometimes for a reset before you sit back down. Grab your lunch and head outside with them.

Be sure to checkout our blog post 10 Outdoor Homeschool Activities to read some other educational ideas you can do on your lunch break with your children.

6. Enjoy your time together.

The days are long sometimes but the years go so fast. Enjoy every moment you’re able to spend with them. Even when you’re at your computer or on an important phone call.




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