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Reformation Day For Your Homeschool

Updated: Oct 4, 2021

Teaching church history is important to me. This is something that as an adult, I've taught myself because I didn't learn it when I was in school. This is an important subject for me to teach our children in our homeschool. I want them to know the reasons we celebrate certain holidays or how the church evolved into what it is today.

During this season, what's a better place to start than learning about Martin Luther and how he change history? We don't celebrate Halloween. Instead, on October 31st you'll find us celebrating Reformation Day.

Here are some resources I want to share with you so you can do the same.

If anyone knows me, they know baking is a huge component of our homeschool. Naturally, the first recommendation I have for you is my newest Purposeful Bake Study. Below is the link to my Church History: Reformation Study.

This Charlotte Mason inspired study is full of crafts, baking, copywork, scripture memorization, hymn study, church history, play matters, and so much more.

I also want to recommend a few books that have been so helpful in teaching our children all about reformation Day.

Martin Luther: A Man Who Changed The World is such a great book that explains the life of Martin Luther and what brought him to the event that change history.

Then Sings my Soul has a beautiful hymn study on A Mighty Fortress Is Our God. I pull this book out each time we study a new hymn. It is one of the most love books in our home.

Reformation ABCs: The People, Places, and Things of the Reformation is a picture book that is wonderful for preschoolers on up through about 3rd grade.

The Life of Martin Luther: A Pop-Up Book is such A sweet pop-up picture book for toddlers and preschoolers.

Diet of Worms

Another Reformation party idea is to make a Diet of Worms Cake. It's sweet how little ones take things so literally. Why not run with it and make a fun cake. Afterwards you can use one of the resources listed above to talk about the real reference to the Diet of Worms.

You'll Need:

-Boxed brownie mix (made)

- 1 bag of gummy worms

- 1 row of Oreo cookies

- 1 Icing jar

Of course the squeaky hammers are optional but it makes the creating that much more fun for the party. Here's a link to the ones we bought for our party.

Sharing church history with our children is such a blessing and opens up such wonderful opportunities for memorable conversations.


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